Dear All,

We are running our next SECC session on Monday – 5th December. Starting at 7pm, and following the same format as last month, we will be providing snacks/antipasti in the lounge, with the curling starting at 8pm and running through to 10pm.

We would love to welcome you along with any friends/family/colleagues that may be interested.

As we already have a couple of bookings, if you do plan to join us, please let us know the number in your party just so that we can ensure that we have enough space to accommodate you all. The cost as before is £10 for non-SECC members and £5 for SECC members.

Our subsequent event will run on the 9th January if you are unable to make this one, and i would be more than happy to reserve spaces for this session also.

Kind regards.

Stephen Lea
Secretary – SECC.